Patterns for Chuffed and Beaut
Single spun yarns have a beautiful flow to them when knitted, crocheted, and even woven. This makes them the perfect choice for shawls, sweaters, and hats. My tastes tend toward classic shapes that have a bit of whimsy or interest, like a billowy sleeve or an eye catching construction detail. I'm currently crushing on these patterns and think Chuffed or Beaut would work perfectly for them...
Sweater No. 8 Cozy Classic Simple Stripes Anker Tee Redford Subtle Lines Moon Set Tee Folded Squares Cardi Ambient (photo below) Seabrook (crochet) Hail Storm (crochet)
And I fully endorse choosing a super fun speckle that might just push your comfort zone for a one skein project like these:
Purl Beret Rosewater Shawl Corrosion Cables and Moss