But what would you do with all those mini skeins? And why add full size skeins? Great questions. We love minis for so many things as you can see in our Instagram collage above and the images below! It's nearly impossible to define every use for minis... we are sure you can suggests ways we haven't even considered.
This collections of images is more to provide inspiration: turn 12cm stripes into four 3cm stripes, instead of one colour flower repeated throughout - make 12 different coloured flowers, instead of two colour stripes top to bottom have some fun and throw in different coloured stripes here and there.
Each image is clickable and will take you to an Instagram or sometimes a Ravelry link to learn more. If you need detailed information just Google search the name of the designer or pattern or image. Or just ask us!
We love this year's Advent for:
Colour blocks/squares/circles (knit or crochet) for blankets, cushion covers, or garments
Stripes on anything! Stripes are very in right now so there are so many patterns
Colourwork sweaters, hats, shawls, and socks
Plush toys/Stuffed animals/Gnomes!
Visible mending
Fill in your scrap/leftover stash so you can finally use everything!
Heels, toes, stripes for socks
Applique/stitching on top of your knitting or crochet
So use your imagination with mini skeins in mind (45 to 80 meters each), swatch for colour order and relationships, get coloured pencils and grid paper to plan, or turn the finished object photo into black and white and colour on top of it with markers. Or just randomly attack with abandon -no rules, anything goes. This Advent will work in any arrangement - one of the reasons we love it so much.
We hope this inspires you, and that you have pre-ordered your Advent!

Phew!! We hope this is inspiring and you will give our Advent Calendar a go.
Please note each photo is the property of the artist linked to that photo.